Advanced Stock Terms That You Need To Know

Home » Advanced Stock Terms That You Need To Know

The stock market is a complex and multifaceted system, with countless variables and factors contributing to its ever-changing landscape. The market’s intricacies extend beyond simply buying and selling stocks; it encompasses a wide range of financial instruments, trading strategies, and regulatory frameworks. To navigate this dynamic environment successfully, investors and traders must have a thorough understanding of advanced stock market terminologies, as these concepts serve as the foundation for making informed decisions. Grasping these terms not only allows market participants to better comprehend the mechanics and risks associated with various investment strategies but also enables them to communicate effectively with fellow investors, financial advisors, and other industry professionals. Ultimately, a deep understanding of the stock market’s advanced terminologies can significantly enhance one’s ability to make informed and strategic investment decisions, optimize returns, and manage risk effectively in the world of finance.

Margin Trading

Margin trading is a practice that allows investors to borrow funds from a brokerage to purchase securities or increase their exposure to the market. By leveraging their capital, investors can potentially amplify their gains but also face increased risk and potential losses. This practice is often employed by experienced traders looking to capitalize on short-term market movements or specific investment opportunities.

To understand margin trading, it is essential first to grasp the concept of leverage. Leverage is the use of borrowed funds to increase an investor’s purchasing power in the market, amplifying both potential profits and losses. When an investor engages in margin trading, they are essentially borrowing money from their brokerage to purchase additional securities, effectively increasing their exposure to the market without using their own funds.

The process of margin trading begins with the investor opening a margin account with a brokerage. This account is separate from the investor’s regular cash account and allows them to access the borrowed funds needed for margin trading. Brokerages typically require an initial deposit, called the minimum margin, to open a margin account. This amount serves as collateral for the borrowed funds and is usually expressed as a percentage of the total value of the securities purchased on margin.

Once a margin account is established, an investor can borrow funds up to a certain limit determined by the brokerage, which is called the maintenance margin. The maintenance margin represents the minimum amount of equity that must be maintained in the margin account at all times. If the value of the securities purchased on margin falls below the maintenance margin, the brokerage may issue a margin call. A margin call is a demand by the brokerage for the investor to deposit additional funds or sell some of their securities to bring the account back to the required maintenance margin level.

Margin trading can be attractive to investors for several reasons:

Increased Purchasing Power: By borrowing funds from a brokerage, margin trading allows investors to buy more securities than they could with their own capital. This increased purchasing power can potentially amplify gains if the investments perform well.

Capitalizing on Short-term Market Movements: Margin trading can be particularly appealing to active traders or day traders who seek to take advantage of short-term market movements. These investors might use margin to increase their exposure to specific investments, hoping to profit from short-term fluctuations in the market.

Portfolio Diversification: Margin trading can enable investors to diversify their portfolios without tying up their own capital. By borrowing funds, investors can allocate more of their own money to other investments, potentially reducing risk and improving their overall investment strategy.

Access to Additional Investment Opportunities: In some cases, margin trading may provide investors with access to investment opportunities they would not have been able to participate in otherwise. For example, some investments may require a minimum investment amount that an investor may not have been able to meet without using margin.

Despite these potential benefits, margin trading also comes with significant risks:

Amplified Losses: While margin trading can potentially amplify gains, it can also amplify losses. If the value of the securities purchased on margin declines, the investor will still be responsible for repaying the borrowed funds, plus interest, to the brokerage. This can lead to significant losses and even the complete loss of the investor’s initial deposit.

Margin Calls: If the value of the securities purchased on margin falls below the required maintenance margin, the brokerage may issue a margin call, forcing the investor to deposit additional funds or sell securities. This can be particularly problematic if the investor is unable to meet the margin call, potentially resulting in the forced liquidation of their investments at a loss.

Interest Expenses: When an investor borrows funds for margin trading, they must pay interest on the borrowed amount. These interest expenses can add up over time and eat into the investor’s potential profits, making margin trading less attractive in some cases.

Reduced Control: Margin trading can also result in reduced control for the investor, as the brokerage has the authority to liquidate the investor’s securities to meet margin requirements without prior notice or consent. This can potentially force the investor to sell securities at an inopportune time, potentially resulting in significant losses.

Emotional and Psychological Factors: The high stakes and increased risks associated with margin trading can lead to increased emotional and psychological stress for investors. This can sometimes result in poor decision-making, as investors may be more prone to making impulsive or irrational decisions in high-pressure situations.

In conclusion, margin trading offers investors the potential to amplify their gains and capitalize on short-term market movements, diversify their portfolios, and access additional investment opportunities. However, it also comes with significant risks, including amplified losses, margin calls, interest expenses, reduced control, and increased emotional and psychological stress.

Ultimately, whether or not an investor should engage in margin trading depends on their individual risk tolerance, investment goals, and experience. Those considering margin trading should carefully weigh the potential benefits against the risks and ensure they fully understand the mechanics and implications of margin trading before proceeding.

Investors new to margin trading may want to start with a conservative approach, using a smaller amount of borrowed funds and gradually increasing their exposure as they become more comfortable with the process. Additionally, investors should continuously monitor their margin account’s performance and be prepared to adjust their strategy or exit a position if the risks become too great.

Margin trading can be a powerful tool for experienced investors, but it is not without its pitfalls. Before engaging in margin trading, investors should carefully consider their own risk tolerance, investment objectives, and level of experience and seek professional guidance if necessary. By doing so, they can make more informed decisions about whether margin trading is an appropriate strategy for their specific financial goals and circumstances.

Short Selling

Short selling is an investment strategy that allows investors to profit from the decline in a security’s price. It is often considered a more advanced trading technique and can be used by experienced investors to hedge their portfolio, speculate on price declines, or capitalize on overvalued securities. In this article, we will explore the mechanics of short selling, the reasons why investors may choose to employ this strategy, and the potential risks involved.

Mechanics of Short Selling:

Short selling involves borrowing shares of a security from a broker and then selling those shares in the open market. The investor’s goal is to buy back the shares at a lower price in the future and return them to the broker, pocketing the difference between the initial sale price and the repurchase price as profit. If the security’s price declines as anticipated, the investor makes a profit; however, if the price increases, the investor incurs a loss.

To engage in short selling, an investor must have a margin account with their broker. This account allows the investor to borrow securities and provides the necessary collateral to cover potential losses. The investor is also responsible for paying any dividends or interest on the borrowed shares during the short sale period.

Reasons for Short Selling:

a) Speculation: One of the primary reasons investors engage in short selling is to speculate on the decline in a security’s price. If an investor believes that a security is overvalued or that its price will fall due to negative news, industry trends, or other factors, they may choose to short sell the security in the hopes of profiting from the anticipated decline.

b) Hedging: Short selling can also be used as a hedging strategy to offset potential losses in a long position. For example, if an investor holds a large position in a particular stock and believes that the stock may decline in value, they may choose to short sell a portion of their holdings to reduce their exposure to the potential loss. If the stock price does indeed fall, the gains from the short sale will help offset the losses from the long position, minimizing the overall impact on the investor’s portfolio.

c) Capitalizing on Overvalued Securities: Some investors use short selling as a way to capitalize on securities they believe are overvalued. These investors may conduct thorough research and analysis to identify stocks trading at prices significantly above their intrinsic value. By short selling these overvalued stocks, they can potentially profit from the eventual price correction.

Risks Associated with Short Selling:

While short selling can provide investors with the opportunity to profit from declining security prices, it also comes with several inherent risks.

a) Unlimited Loss Potential: Unlike traditional long positions, where the maximum potential loss is limited to the initial investment, short selling exposes investors to potentially unlimited losses. If the security’s price increases instead of decreases, the investor must buy back the shares at a higher price to return them to the broker, resulting in a loss. Since there is no upper limit to how high a security’s price can rise, the potential for loss is theoretically infinite.

b) Margin Requirements and Margin Calls: Short selling requires the use of a margin account, which involves borrowing funds and securities from a broker. If the security’s price rises and the value of the short position declines, the investor may be subject to a margin call, requiring them to deposit additional funds into their account to maintain the required margin. If the investor is unable to meet the margin call, the broker may liquidate the investor’s other assets to cover the shortfall, potentially resulting in significant losses.

c) Short Squeeze: A short squeeze occurs when a heavily shorted security experiences a sudden increase in price, forcing short sellers to buy back the shares to cover their positions. This buying pressure can further drive up the price, resulting in substantial losses for short sellers.

d) Dividends and Interest Payments: When an investor engages in short selling, they are responsible for any dividends or interest payments due on the borrowed shares during the short sale period. These payments can increase the cost of the short sale and reduce the investor’s potential profits.

e) Limited Availability of Shares: In some cases, an investor may not be able to engage in short selling if there are no shares available to borrow. This can occur when a security is in high demand or when there are restrictions placed on short selling by regulatory authorities or the company itself. In such cases, the investor may need to explore alternative strategies to achieve their investment objectives.

f) Regulatory Risks: Short selling is subject to various regulations designed to protect the integrity of the market and ensure fair trading practices. Investors who engage in short selling must be aware of these regulations and comply with them to avoid potential penalties or restrictions on their trading activities.

Tips for Short Selling:

Despite the risks associated with short selling, it can be a profitable strategy for experienced investors who understand its mechanics and potential pitfalls. Here are some tips for those considering short selling:

a) Conduct Thorough Research: Before engaging in short selling, it is crucial to conduct thorough research on the security in question. This includes analyzing the company’s financial statements, industry trends, and any potential catalysts that could drive the security’s price downward.

b) Develop a Clear Exit Strategy: Given the unlimited loss potential associated with short selling, it is essential to have a clear exit strategy in place. This may involve setting stop-loss orders or predetermined price targets to limit losses and protect profits.

c) Monitor Positions Closely: Short selling requires active monitoring of positions to manage risk effectively. Investors should be prepared to react quickly to changing market conditions and adjust their positions as needed.

d) Diversify: As with any investment strategy, diversification is key to managing risk. Investors should consider short selling as part of a well-diversified portfolio to help offset potential losses from other investments.

Option Trading

Options trading is a versatile financial instrument that allows investors to buy or sell the right, but not the obligation, to purchase or sell an underlying asset at a specified price (known as the “strike price”) on or before a predetermined date (known as the “expiration date”). Options can be used for various purposes, including speculation, income generation, and risk management. In this article, we will delve into the mechanics of options trading and discuss why people choose to trade options.

Basics of Options Trading:

Options are financial contracts that come in two forms: call options and put options. A call option gives the buyer the right to buy an underlying asset at the strike price, while a put option gives the buyer the right to sell the underlying asset at the strike price. Each option contract typically represents 100 shares of the underlying asset.

a) Call Options: A call option is a contract that gives the buyer the right to purchase the underlying asset at a specified price on or before a specified date. If the price of the underlying asset increases above the strike price, the call option buyer can exercise the option and buy the asset at the lower strike price, potentially resulting in a profit. If the price of the asset remains below the strike price, the option will expire worthless, and the buyer will lose the premium paid for the option.

b) Put Options: A put option is a contract that gives the buyer the right to sell the underlying asset at a specified price on or before a specified date. If the price of the underlying asset falls below the strike price, the put option buyer can exercise the option and sell the asset at the higher strike price, potentially resulting in a profit. If the price of the asset remains above the strike price, the option will expire worthless, and the buyer will lose the premium paid for the option.

Why People Choose to Trade Options:

There are several reasons why people choose to trade options, including speculation, income generation, and risk management:

a) Speculation: Options trading allows investors to speculate on the future price movements of underlying assets with limited risk. By buying call options, investors can profit from an increase in the asset’s price, while by buying put options, they can profit from a decrease in the asset’s price. Due to the leverage provided by options, investors can potentially generate significant profits with a relatively small initial investment.

b) Income Generation: Options can be used to generate income in various ways, such as by selling covered calls or cash-secured puts. In both cases, the option seller receives a premium for writing the option, which can provide a steady stream of income. However, the option seller also takes on the obligation to fulfill the option contract if it is exercised, which may require them to buy or sell the underlying asset at the specified strike price.

c) Risk Management: Options can be used as a risk management tool to hedge against potential losses in other investments. For example, an investor holding a long position in a stock can buy a put option on the same stock, which will provide protection against a decline in the stock’s value. Similarly, an investor with a short position in a stock can buy a call option to protect against potential losses if the stock’s value increases.

Risks and Challenges of Options Trading:

While options trading can offer significant benefits, it also comes with risks and challenges that investors should be aware of:

a) Complexity: Options trading can be complex, particularly for inexperienced investors. Understanding the mechanics of options contracts, as well as various trading strategies, requires a solid grasp of financial markets and investment principles.

b) Time Decay: Options have an expiration date, after which they become worthless if not exercised. This means that options traders must be mindful of time decay, which erodes the value of an option as it approaches its expiration date. Time decay can make it more challenging for options traders to generate profits, as the value of the option must increase enough to offset the loss in value due to time decay.

c) Leverage: While leverage can amplify potential gains in options trading, it can also magnify losses. If the price of the underlying asset moves against the investor’s position, they may lose a significant portion or even their entire initial investment. It is essential for options traders to understand and manage the risks associated with leverage.

d) Liquidity: Some options, particularly those with longer expiration dates or less popular underlying assets, may have limited liquidity. This can make it more difficult for investors to enter or exit positions at their desired prices and may result in wider bid-ask spreads.

Strategies for Successful Options Trading:

To succeed in options trading, investors should consider implementing a range of strategies and best practices:

a) Education and Research: Given the complexity of options trading, it is crucial for investors to educate themselves about the mechanics of options contracts and the various trading strategies available. There are numerous resources available online, including articles, courses, and webinars, to help investors learn the ins and outs of options trading.

b) Diversification: Just as with any other type of investment, diversification is essential when trading options. Investors should consider diversifying their options portfolio across different underlying assets, expiration dates, and strike prices to help manage risk.

c) Risk Management: Proper risk management is critical for successful options trading. Investors should establish clear stop-loss levels and exit strategies before entering a trade, and be prepared to cut losses if necessary. Additionally, investors should consider using protective strategies, such as buying put options to hedge long positions in stocks, to help manage risk.

d) Monitoring and Adjusting: Options traders should actively monitor their positions and be prepared to make adjustments as market conditions change. This may involve rolling options to later expiration dates, closing out positions, or implementing other strategies to manage risk and lock in profits.

Futures Trading

Futures trading is a type of financial transaction involving the buying and selling of contracts that represent an agreement to purchase or sell a specific asset at a predetermined price and date in the future. These contracts can be based on various underlying assets, such as commodities, currencies, stock indices, or interest rates. Futures trading offers investors and traders several benefits, such as the potential for high returns, risk management, and access to a wide range of financial instruments. However, it also comes with its own set of risks and challenges that must be considered before deciding to engage in this form of trading.

Understanding Futures Contracts:

A futures contract is a legally binding agreement between two parties to buy or sell a specific asset at a predetermined price (known as the “strike price”) on a specific date in the future (called the “expiration date”). The buyer of the contract, also known as the “long” position, agrees to purchase the underlying asset, while the seller, or the “short” position, agrees to deliver the asset at the specified price and date. Futures contracts are standardized in terms of the quantity and quality of the underlying asset, as well as the expiration date, to facilitate trading on organized exchanges.

Benefits of Futures Trading:

There are several reasons why someone might choose to engage in futures trading:

a) Leverage: Futures trading provides investors with the opportunity to use leverage, which means they can control a large position in the underlying asset with a relatively small amount of capital. This can amplify potential gains, but it can also magnify losses if the price of the underlying asset moves against the trader’s position.

b) Hedging: Futures contracts can be used as a risk management tool by allowing investors to hedge their exposure to fluctuations in the prices of underlying assets. For example, a farmer can sell a futures contract on their crop to lock in a specific price, protecting them from potential price drops. Similarly, a manufacturer can buy a futures contract on a raw material to lock in a price and protect against potential price increases.

c) Speculation: Some traders engage in futures trading for speculative purposes, aiming to profit from price fluctuations in the underlying assets. They do not intend to take delivery of the assets but rather seek to profit from correctly predicting the direction of price movements.

d) Diversification: Futures trading can offer investors access to a wide range of financial instruments and markets, allowing them to diversify their investment portfolios and potentially reduce overall risk.

Risks and Challenges of Futures Trading:

As with any form of trading, futures trading comes with its own set of risks and challenges:

a) Leverage: While leverage can amplify potential gains, it can also magnify losses. If the price of the underlying asset moves against the investor’s position, they may lose a significant portion or even their entire initial investment. It is crucial for futures traders to understand and manage the risks associated with leverage.

b) Complexity: Futures trading can be complex, particularly for inexperienced traders. It requires an understanding of the mechanics of futures contracts, as well as the factors that influence the prices of underlying assets. This complexity can make it challenging for some investors to succeed in futures trading.

c) Margin Requirements: Futures traders must maintain a certain level of capital, known as the “margin,” in their accounts to cover potential losses. If the value of a trader’s positions falls below the required margin level, they may receive a “margin call” from their broker, requiring them to deposit additional funds or liquidate positions to meet the margin requirement. This can result in additional losses or forced liquidation of positions at unfavorable prices.

d) Market Volatility: Futures markets can be volatile, with prices of underlying assets subject to rapid and significant fluctuations. This can make it challenging for traders to predict price movements and generate profits consistently

e) Counterparty Risk: While futures contracts are traded on organized exchanges, which typically have strict financial and regulatory requirements for their members, there is still the risk that the counterparty to a trade might default on their obligations. Exchanges usually have clearinghouses that act as intermediaries and guarantee the fulfillment of contracts, but in rare cases, extreme market conditions or systemic issues could result in counterparty risk.

f) Regulatory Risk: Futures trading is subject to various rules and regulations, which can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific market. These regulations can change over time, potentially impacting the profitability of futures trading strategies or even limiting the ability to trade certain products.

g) Time Constraints: Futures contracts have expiration dates, which means that traders must be attentive to the time remaining on their contracts. If a trader holds a contract until expiration and does not want to take or make delivery of the underlying asset, they must close or roll over their position before the contract expires. This can add an additional layer of complexity and risk to futures trading.

How to Get Started with Futures Trading:

For those interested in exploring futures trading, it is important to follow a few key steps:

a) Education: Learn about the mechanics of futures contracts, the various markets, and the factors that influence the prices of underlying assets. This can be accomplished through books, online resources, seminars, or courses.

b) Choose a Broker: Select a reputable broker that offers futures trading services. It is crucial to consider factors such as trading platforms, commission rates, margin requirements, and customer support when making this decision.

c) Develop a Trading Strategy: Successful futures traders typically have a well-defined trading strategy that takes into account their risk tolerance, investment objectives, and time horizon. This might involve technical or fundamental analysis or a combination of both.

d) Practice with a Demo Account: Before risking real capital, it can be beneficial to practice futures trading using a demo account. This allows traders to gain experience and refine their strategies without risking actual money.

e) Start Small: When first venturing into futures trading, it is wise to start with small position sizes and gradually increase exposure as confidence and experience grow.

Stop Loss Orders

Stop-loss orders are a type of trading order designed to limit an investor’s potential losses on a position in a financial asset, such as a stock or a commodity. This order type is useful for managing risk and protecting an investor’s capital when the market moves against their expectations.

A stop-loss order is typically placed at a specified price level below the current market price for a long position (or above the current market price for a short position). When the market reaches the stop-loss price, the order is triggered, and the position is automatically closed at the next available price. This helps the investor to exit the position before incurring further losses.

There are several reasons why someone would choose to use a stop-loss order:

Risk Management: The primary purpose of a stop-loss order is to manage risk. By predetermining the maximum amount they are willing to lose on a particular trade, investors can ensure that a single trade does not significantly damage their overall portfolio or capital.

Emotional Discipline: Trading and investing can be emotionally challenging, especially during periods of market volatility. A stop-loss order helps investors maintain discipline by removing the need to make emotional decisions about when to exit a losing position. Once the stop-loss order is in place, the decision to sell is automatic, which can help investors avoid the temptation to hold on to a losing trade in the hopes that it will eventually turn around.

Protection from Market Gaps: In some cases, a financial asset’s price may “gap” significantly overnight or over the weekend, due to news events or other market developments. A stop-loss order can provide some protection against these gaps, as it will trigger a trade to close the position as soon as the market reopens at the next available price. While this may not be at the exact stop-loss price, it can still help limit losses in situations where the market gaps against the investor’s position.

Time Efficiency: Monitoring open positions in the market can be time-consuming, especially for investors who have multiple positions or limited time to devote to trading. A stop-loss order automates the process of closing a losing position, allowing investors to focus on other aspects of their trading or personal lives.

It is essential to note that stop-loss orders do not guarantee that a position will be closed at the exact stop-loss price. In fast-moving or illiquid markets, the order may be executed at a price that is worse than the stop-loss price, resulting in a larger loss than anticipated. Additionally, if the stop-loss order is set too close to the current market price, it may be triggered by short-term price fluctuations, causing the investor to exit the position prematurely.

Despite these limitations, stop-loss orders remain a valuable tool for managing risk and preserving capital in the world of trading and investing. By setting appropriate stop-loss levels and adjusting them as necessary, investors can increase their chances of success and protect their portfolios from significant losses.

Flexibility in Position Sizing: Stop-loss orders can help investors in determining their position sizing. By setting a stop-loss level, they can calculate the maximum amount they are willing to lose on a trade and adjust the number of shares or contracts they purchase accordingly. This can ensure that their potential losses are proportionate to their risk tolerance and the size of their portfolio.

Adapting to Market Conditions: A stop-loss order can be a dynamic tool that investors can adjust as market conditions change. For example, if an investor’s position becomes profitable, they may choose to move the stop-loss price closer to the current market price, effectively “locking in” a portion of their gains. This approach, known as “trailing stop-loss,” can help protect profits while still allowing the position to benefit from potential further price increases.

Peace of Mind: Having a stop-loss order in place can provide investors with a sense of security, knowing that they have a predefined exit plan if the market moves against them. This peace of mind can lead to more rational decision-making and help prevent investors from making impulsive decisions driven by fear or greed.

Encouraging a Systematic Approach: Stop-loss orders can encourage investors to develop and follow a systematic trading plan. By setting predefined risk parameters and exit points, investors can establish a disciplined approach to their trading activities, helping them to avoid common emotional pitfalls and biases that can negatively impact their returns.

Reducing Potential for Large Drawdowns: A well-placed stop-loss order can help investors avoid significant drawdowns in their portfolios. Large drawdowns can be difficult to recover from, as the percentage gain required to break even increases exponentially as losses grow. By using stop-loss orders to limit losses on individual trades, investors can mitigate the impact of drawdowns on their overall portfolio performance.

Enhancing Risk-to-Reward Ratios: By using stop-loss orders, investors can better manage their risk-to-reward ratios on individual trades. By setting a predefined stop-loss level, they can calculate the potential loss on a trade relative to the potential gain (based on their profit target). This can help investors make more informed decisions about which trades to enter and whether the potential rewards justify the risks.

Market Order

A market order is a type of order used by investors and traders to buy or sell a financial instrument, such as stocks, bonds, or commodities, at the best available price in the current market. When a market order is placed, it is executed immediately, providing that there are willing buyers and sellers at that moment. The primary purpose of a market order is to ensure a quick execution, rather than to obtain a specific price.

There are several reasons why someone would choose to use a market order:

Speed: The most significant advantage of a market order is its speed of execution. If an investor or trader wants to enter or exit a position quickly, a market order provides the fastest way to do so. This can be particularly useful in fast-moving or highly liquid markets, where prices can change rapidly.

Simplicity: Market orders are straightforward to use and understand, making them a popular choice for novice investors or traders who may not be familiar with more advanced order types. With a market order, there is no need to specify a price or other conditions; the order will simply be executed at the best available price at that moment.

Guaranteed Execution: When placing a market order, the investor or trader is essentially prioritizing the execution of the trade over the price at which the trade is executed. This means that, barring any unforeseen circumstances or extreme market volatility, a market order is virtually guaranteed to be executed. This can be especially useful when an investor or trader wants to ensure that they enter or exit a position without delay.

Trading Liquid Instruments: Market orders are generally more appropriate for trading liquid financial instruments, such as large-cap stocks or popular exchange-traded funds (ETFs), where there is usually ample buying and selling interest. In such markets, the bid-ask spread (the difference between the highest price a buyer is willing to pay and the lowest price a seller is willing to accept) tends to be relatively small, and a market order is unlikely to result in a significant difference between the executed price and the price at the time the order was placed.

However, it’s important to note that market orders also have some drawbacks. For example, in volatile or illiquid markets, the executed price may be significantly different from the price at the time the order was placed, potentially leading to unexpected losses. Additionally, market orders can be subject to slippage, where the executed price is worse than the expected price due to rapidly changing market conditions.

Despite these drawbacks, market orders remain a popular and widely used order type for investors and traders who prioritize speed and simplicity in their trading activities. By understanding the advantages and limitations of market orders, individuals can make informed decisions about when to use them as part of their overall trading strategy.

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