1382 Investing

Learn the fundamentals of investing

Follow along as I delve into the world of investing and share my insights!

From traditional stocks and bonds to real estate and money mindsets, investing is as much technical as it is psychological. I’m Eric Zhao, a high schooler from California with a keen interest in investing. This is my collection of informative articles and videos on my investing journey! Come join me as I share my technical discoveries, analyses, and investment plays.

What Are Poor Man’s Covered Calls? How Are They Different From Covered Calls?

A Poor Man’s Covered Call (PMCC) is an options strategy that mimics the traditional covered call strategy but requires less capital upfront. The strategy involves buying a long-dated option (usually a LEAPS – Long-term Equity Anticipation Securities) instead of owning the underlying stock outright, and then selling shorter-term call options

What Are Poor Man’s Covered Calls? How Are They Different From Covered Calls? Read More »

What Are Covered Calls? Is it a Good Investing Strategy?

Covered calls are a sophisticated yet accessible financial strategy used by individuals and businesses worldwide. They revolve around options trading, providing a means to generate income from existing stock holdings, and are frequently used for hedging risks. This article seeks to elucidate the concept of covered calls, unraveling its complexities

What Are Covered Calls? Is it a Good Investing Strategy? Read More »